Jess and I had been working in a heat chamber and completing course simulation on the Wahoo Kickr to hopefully make sure she was absolutely ready for the race. The Osaka race course was 4 laps over an industrial estate with a massive bridge, which meant 8 times up and over. Jess spent four 4 weeks working in the heat chamber on this course and we were confident we had done enough work to be successful and achieve our goals at this race. This was Jess's first Elite adult race. Osaka was an ITU Asian Cup race covering the traditional Sprint distance. Jess was the youngest athlete on the start list with the oldest being a multiple Olympian.
Unfortunately Osaka was not to be the race we had hoped for, Jess was in the lead group 4th out of the water and in a group that looked the goods, unfortunately Jess came down on a U-turn and broke her bike and the day was done.
Japan was very successful for the Australian Team with being able to win both the Mens and Womens races. Excited for other athletes but saddened to wonder what if, we left Japan to spend a week in Singapore. Singapore was a whole new level. It was the same sort of heat as Japan but the humidity was way more, just walking down the street brought the sweats on.
Singapore was a very different set up and way more casual, the Japan. I guess thats the difference between and event that has been running for 30 years and a new race. Singapore was a great venue very safe and closed roads.
Race morning was a very early start but also super successful. Jess and I had a planned for the race and Jess executed her plan perfectly to take the win. Jess has now started 3 international Elite Triathlons and has 2 wins, very good strike rate.
Below are some more random shots from the trip which I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned from and am looking forward to the next 5 weeks of building and preparation for Junior Elite World Champs to be held in Cozumel, Mexico in September. Have heaps of ideas to attempt at training and some great supporters helping me with some equipment to make sure the Jess is the best prepared she can be.